From Horizon’s to a New Vedge

BY MARISSA OSWALD July 2nd was the last night vegans around the country could grab a 3-course feast at Horizon’s famous (and not-so-botanical-tasting) barbequed seitan and lavender cheesecake from it’s South Philly location. But owners Rich Landau and Kate Jacoby are veering off on another veg-venture all together with Vedge, which will be at 1221 Locust St., former location of Deux Cheminees.
The center city location will bring more challenges and a different crowd. But the owners plan to produce smaller plates to appease more casual eaters as well as more of a focus on both vegetables (opposed to their mock meat specialties) and cocktails. And the veggies won’t be merely sauteed: Kate and Rich are planning the ultimate vegetable bar, where boundary-pushing vegetable dishes will take center stage.
(Note: The old Horizons location has been purchased by a pizza chain restaurant).
Is this a good move to all the Horizons “followers”? Personally, I think those out-of-towners that were drawn to Horizons for a special visit now have another obligation to come to the new restaurant in Philly. We’ll find out more come Labor Day, when the restaurant is scheduled to open.
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